Why People Fail When Starting to Develop



Managing expectations and applying consistency are the key to creating a development habit that will take you where you want to go.

I have been developing for a long time.

Over the years, I have learned that most people who want to get into development end up failing because they are not consistent. They think it’s easy, and never realize their mentality is what’s holding them back. To be honest, it took me quite a while to learn this lesson too.

Here are some of the other reasons I’ve learned people fail at becoming a developer:

  1. Misaligned expectations
  2. Lack of consistency
  3. They fail to find the fun
  4. They don’t believe in themselves
  5. They get overwhelmed

Reason #1: People fail because their expectations are not aligned

Many have a misconception of what professional development is.

Many young people think they will get to create games all day as a developer. Unless you take courses tailored specifically for that, it is not the main focus. In fact, it is not a focus at all.

Others have a misconception that you spend all day coding. When they later learn that a large part of the job is reading, creating documentation and talking to clients, they get surprised.

Development combines many different aspects. It is rarely focused on a single thing.

Reason #2: People fail because they are not consistent

A small amount of time spent learning everyday beats short bursts of motivation followed by inaction. Some believe a long, relentless study session is enough. If you simply memorize something and then move to the next thing without using it, you will not retain it.

Applying consistency is the cheat code. We grow over long time frames. Take advantage of motivation when it strikes, but keep a schedule to improve. Make sure to apply what you learn.

Reason #3: People fail because they fail to find the fun

Game developers have a saying. It defines THE most important aspect of developing a successful game, and also the number one reason why certain games fail. They strive to “find the fun” in their game.

As humans we should also strive to find the fun in what we do.

Many of the tasks you will have to do as a developer are not fun. It is up to you to figure out what exactly you find fun, and how you learn to find enjoyment when you are doing something you dislike.

What motivates you? What do you want to do, and how do you get to the point where you can spend more time doing that? Advocate for yourself, and position yourself in a way to get the most enjoyment out of your time. While there will be days where you have to do something mind-numbing, try to change your perspective. You might HAVE to do this thing now, but think of what you GET to do later because of that thing.

Reason #4: People fail because they don’t believe in themselves

People let doubt and negative self-talk dictate their actions. As you repeat belittling internal thoughts about yourself, you start to believe them. You bring it into the world and act accordingly. It becomes a cycle, and the hole only gets deeper.

We need to believe nothing is impossible to stay curious. We need a sense of wonder. If you’ve convinced yourself you cannot do a task, you close yourself off to new ideas. If you close yourself off to new ideas, your vision narrows and other ideas never materialize.

I personally started doing 30 seconds of positive self-talk first thing when I wake up. That way I set the frame and direction of the day. Do not prematurely close off new options, and do not approach new tasks as if you’ve already failed or never had a chance at succeeding.

Reason #5: People fail because they get overwhelmed

We are constantly bombarded with information in the modern world. This is especially true for a field as connected as software development.

Someone you know is talking about this new, cool framework. Oh, and this other guy just read this new book, maybe you should check it out? Oh yeah, what about the old framework you started using at work and now need to get used to? And you forgot to get clarification from your manager about this one task, better ask quick! And what are you having for dinner tonight? Ah shoot, you forgot the status report, have to send that before the day is over. Oh, and is there pasta at home or do you need to go to the store? And how about vacuuming the living room? What about going on that run? And the dishes?

The list is never-ending. We always have something waiting for us. There are constantly new things to learn, and we never get any younger. Time is fleeting. We have to maximize the precious moments we have. Listen to that audiobook on 1.75x speed while you do the dishes, or you’ll fall behind.

Slow. Down.


We have to take the time we need. Productivity is not about cramming as much as possible into as short a time as possible. It is about being intentional. Do more of what matters to you. Be present when doing the tasks that truly matter. There is so much noise in the world today. If you always get distracted, you will never get where you want to go. Remember to tune out sometimes.

We need to carry on

Overcoming failure is a crucial part of succeeding, moving forward, and making actionable progress.

But don’t worry: we’ve all been there.

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